Financing and realising energy efficiency and renewable energy projects in industry

Simple sales financing for industrial decarbonisation


Unleash your potential

Project developers can face challenges acquiring favourable financing for smaller energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy (RE) projects. Our goal is to secure profitable financing solutions for technology suppliers and project developers, with a focus on SMEs.

While the EU-funded innovation project concluded in 2020, we are commercialising the TrustEE platform and linked financing services starting in Austria. Please contact us to inquire about our new services! 

Improve liquidity 

Suppliers bolster their value proposition by adding pre-confirmed project financing in three steps:

  1. TrustEE Platform screens industrial efficiency and renewable projects
  2. Once approved, a technical assessment optimises projects 
  3. After project commissioning we offer flexible re-financing. 

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Optimise and finance projects

We work with technology suppliers to replace fossil-based energy sources with energy efficient and renewable solutions, such as:

  • Waste heat recovery
  • Solar thermal
  • Biogas 
  • Biomass, and 
  • Heat pumps. 

How can you work with us? Let's get started...